Health Equity In Transplantation Coalition Marks Juneteenth with Renewed Call to Justice

HEiTC Executive Chairman Al B. Sure! Notes Liberation Means Health, Economic, and All Forms of Justice


New York, NY (June 18, 2024) — Al B. Sure!, Executive Chairman of the Health Equity in Transplantation Coalition (HEiTC), issued a call for justice in the United States on the eve of Juneteenth.

“As we commemorate Juneteenth and celebrate the end of the slavery in the United States, we are also reflecting on the broader definition of liberation. True freedom encompasses not just political and social liberties but extends to health, economic opportunity, criminal justice, and everywhere in which inequities exist.

HEiTC was formed out of necessity to close a major gap in healthcare, one formed from poor policymaking that disproportionately impacted Black and Brown transplant recipients. We have worked toward the larger goal of ending the inequities that exist in healthcare for our communities – from mental to maternal health, and from access to affordable medicine to simple the ability to see a doctor. The progress we have made over the last several months is a testament to the power of Black and Brown communities when we mobilize toward righting historic wrongs.

While we have come a long way in this fight, the work must carry on. The inequities that persist in healthcare are also present in business, entertainment, the criminal justice system, housing, and every facet of our society. Juneteenth is therefore more than a celebration – it is an activation to close every gap in our society and truly ensure there is liberty and justice for all!”
